منتديات البوابة التعليمية العمانية
موضوع بعنوان :civil and structural engineerring courses
الكاتب :ايه جلف

Training course - Workshop - Training program,
actual attendance - online
. The Gulf Strategic Center for Training and Development (GULF STD) has the honor of offering a course. s

civil and structural engineerring courses


All courses are held in many Arab and foreign countries :
( Turkey - Egypt - Europe - America - Saudi Arabia - Morocco - Jordan - Malaysia - UAE - Sultanate of Oman - Bahrain - Kuwait )
Duration of courses: 5 days / 10 days ...
and diplomas: 1 month / 2 months / 3 months / 6 months / year
====================== ===
:The cost of attendance includes

There is a discount and special prices for groups and ministries / agencies / government and private companies
You can book now

To send a technical and financial offer that includes all the details related to the training programs. We are honored to have you contact us :
Ms. Aya Atef
Mobile - Viber - Whatsapp / 00201000016576
Email / Aya@gulfstd. com
Website / www.gulfstd.com
WhatsApp link / wa.me/+0201000016576

The center also implements the most professional and specialized courses in the following fields :
#Courses #Accounting #Budgets_Financial_Planning
#Courses #Accounting #Foreign_Trade_Study_Courses
#Courses #Procurement and # Logistics_warehouses
#courses #civil #defense
#courses #marketing, #sales, and #customerservice
#courses #public relations and #media
#courses #information technology #IT
#courses #management #health and #medical services
#courses #waterengineering
#courses #Agricultural_Engineering
#Courses #Quality and #Industrial_Engineering
#Civil_Construction_Engineering Courses